yeaahh...!!!!my ma+ba blk today!!!!!!besh nye...i wnt to going back home...even br blik smlm..hehehhe
sore da xde...sore throat trok giler...mndi hot spring 5 hours...mkn tembikai 5slices..heheh...memg besh r..rugi spe g da klas...t da time aku write bout dis...upload pic skali..heheheh
k r...da lab kim afta dis...tata~
Ummu Hani Nahar, Mrs. Saifuddeen, momster to Uwaeis and Hurieyah. A ladypreneur officially Mary Jardin agent
Monday, December 31, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
stuck in bz
da 3hr aku blk UPM...
bz urus reg subjek...yeah kdit da ckop je key in baktisiswa..(ktorg kne susun sndiri jadual..ikot suke r nk susun cne..die x kne r key in..).mnde tu eh?yg aku tau cm wat² kje amal la..xpe r..asl ckop kdit( 2kredit..koko wajib dow...sengal jew..)
smlm g urus kimia..gile r kne cr lec...round 1 fac sains..pnt jew..suh dr zaizi bkk kuota..akhirnye dpt guk key in subj even xsme dgn dak fdtech len..xpe r..asl kn amek subj tu dis sem..kalo x mati r kne carry next sem lg r hard core gile..statistik kim analysis..mnde tah aku amek 6 subj r dis sem...
p bes r leh wt pe jew dlm blik tu..hahah..melantak novel jiwang je r..patu dgr radio..sebbek da radio kalo x mati kebsnn aku dlm blik..pc xbwk..
yesterday g dusun blkg kolej..g kutip rmbutan..tgh musim..kutip smpy 6kg!!byk x byk..hahah
korg nk dtg p kutip bleh jew..mkn dlm uh free..nk bungkus bwk blk sekilo singgit jew..
p kne pndy plih r..da yg xbes..heheh
abes kutip rmbutan,odw nk g bli mkn mlm tsmpak dgn zahir..borak² dgn de bout result dak biotech...giler kncang r..mostly 3.5 above!!ktorg mostly cina r dpt 3.5 p xde yg 4flat..biotech,lau r..huhuh..xpe²..kne usha lg... ni nk blk jap..esk nk g picnic kt hot spring,sungkai..heheh..g dgn dak² ex-skul include yg br lps skul...hahah(guess who?)..p g uma pa lu..nk g shoping mknn lu..nk wt bbq esk..hehehhe
syoknye...ok r..tu je ot..nk grk da...
ni kt cc free...hehehe..
bz urus reg subjek...yeah kdit da ckop je key in baktisiswa..(ktorg kne susun sndiri jadual..ikot suke r nk susun cne..die x kne r key in..).mnde tu eh?yg aku tau cm wat² kje amal la..xpe r..asl ckop kdit( 2kredit..koko wajib dow...sengal jew..)
smlm g urus kimia..gile r kne cr lec...round 1 fac sains..pnt jew..suh dr zaizi bkk kuota..akhirnye dpt guk key in subj even xsme dgn dak fdtech len..xpe r..asl kn amek subj tu dis sem..kalo x mati r kne carry next sem lg r hard core gile..statistik kim analysis..mnde tah aku amek 6 subj r dis sem...
- basic food engineering
- microbiology in foods
- physical & inorganic chemistry
- organisation management
- oral interaction skills
- baktisiswa(koko)
totally 18 kredit...p agak lepak r dis sem..hehe..lepak2 pon lab 3..huhuh jenuh wt lab repot r..
sonok r blk kolj..hr² kje melepak dgn mbr+senior...borak2...mkn2..hahha.blik sorg,bosan r..p bes r leh wt pe jew dlm blik tu..hahah..melantak novel jiwang je r..patu dgr radio..sebbek da radio kalo x mati kebsnn aku dlm blik..pc xbwk..
yesterday g dusun blkg kolej..g kutip rmbutan..tgh musim..kutip smpy 6kg!!byk x byk..hahah
korg nk dtg p kutip bleh jew..mkn dlm uh free..nk bungkus bwk blk sekilo singgit jew..
p kne pndy plih r..da yg xbes..heheh
abes kutip rmbutan,odw nk g bli mkn mlm tsmpak dgn zahir..borak² dgn de bout result dak biotech...giler kncang r..mostly 3.5 above!!ktorg mostly cina r dpt 3.5 p xde yg 4flat..biotech,lau r..huhuh..xpe²..kne usha lg... ni nk blk jap..esk nk g picnic kt hot spring,sungkai..heheh..g dgn dak² ex-skul include yg br lps skul...hahah(guess who?)..p g uma pa lu..nk g shoping mknn lu..nk wt bbq esk..hehehhe
syoknye...ok r..tu je ot..nk grk da...
ni kt cc free...hehehe..
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
today wake up early than b4..hehe 8.30am cz my grandma going back to village cz there are many wedding ceremony invitation from her relatives..afta shake hand with her,i sat in front of television..suddenly i realized..ouh krismas ke hr ni...hahhaha so sumer cuti la..mnede org ade klas an hr ni...heheh pela madhu ni..ok today will go back to hostell. brg xpacking lg..huhu mls giler r nk i picked the bag from my room n put it in front of da packed sket..teigt aba suh download e-mail de..k bkk alang² da on9..tgk r wt kali terakhir..hehehe.tomorrow my class start at 8 o'clock..waa early in da morning..klas microb in food..huhu dis sem br stat fac punye subjek..1st sem xda lgsg..huhuh..senior kte sush..huhu tah r..ill try my besh!!
next sem need to push harder bg pointer cecah 3.5 above...huhu dis sem,below but stil 3.0 above..heheh luckily...mmg igt xdpt..huhuh
everyone ask to me..especially form5 n m3x kzen la..(qila)..bes ek amek foodtech..skop kerjaya..sng ke dpt kerje..mcm² r psl foodtech..i cnt ans bot medic..sory...hehe tp luckily i dont take medic..huhu mati aku kne blaja cm gile..aku da bkn style blaja cm nk rak..owez std las minutes evn i know it's not good..n i'm studying if i hv mood..if xm fever lg r..tomorrow exm mlm tu mmg pyh r nk std..sllu men game or kaco org std or read magazine smpy rse ngntok uh..belek² jp r buku patu sleep..hehe since skul cni..tatau r cne nk ubh..but make sure b4 dat xm especially tough paper,ive make preparation n cover back earlier.just final touch up..hehe..
terigt lak time paper kim hr tu..dat night i cant study lgsg..da xleh masuk..las² aku men game till midnight then go to sleep.hhehe..tomorrow morning, after pray subuh,i drink kopi radix to get energy..then i study till 10 o' xm start at 11o'clock...hehehe so ok la..kalo xm stat kol 8 mau mati gux..but b4 dat ive make some preparation la...xde r pulun cm giler on dat time...heheh
ok² back to da main point i want to tell you about all da question..ok foodtech bes la!! n smtime people think dat we just learn how to make cincau,tauhu,tempe n father said..heh..taya r amek food tech..stkt nk blaja to make all dat food..he said this when i fill in upu's form n i choose dis course as my 4th choice...he asked me to change with pharmacy cz he said it was not challenging based on my spm result...(brape aku dpt?heh..xpnting n xpe nk cter...keysah lme)...ok nvr mind, i follow wut he said..
after m3x, i choosed again dis course as my 7th choice..dis time he don't when the day came to check da result , i got dis course bach in science and food technology in UPM..ok i accept..but dat time it's so hard to accept i got dis course..yeah,bcz my result quite good..3.5 above i hoped dat i can get dental or pharmacy..(i filled the form with 1st-6th choice is pharmacy n dental)..n time tu mmg trauma r..xleh tgk hospital tgk hospital sure sedeyh mom asked me if i wanted to continue doing medical n she'll try to send me to neighbour country..huhu.and i said..never mind..i' try dis course and do my very besh to make them proud..yeah afta spm i wished to get dis course but afta my mom n my family ask me to doing medical and they also support me.i changed my mind to do medical..but Allah know the best..He know my ability dat i can't bring dat course...
n now i feel the hikmah.if i still bring dat course may b i cnt bring it well..yela result skrg pon ckop mkn je..kalo amek mdic..xtebyg r cne result aku..heheh..n aku rse foodtech tersgt SGT la besh cz..bidang de luas..nk bisnes bleh,nk kje mkn gaji leh,nk bertani n doing some development pon bleh...heh and everyone need food for daily we as foodtech student is very proud to be in dis course..heheheh
last but not least...enjoy in everytin you there is something good behind dat u don't know.. yeah Allah know the best for you even dat thing you don't try to think positive keyh?
p/s:heh i owso try to be positive even it was so hard to like dat rite?
next sem need to push harder bg pointer cecah 3.5 above...huhu dis sem,below but stil 3.0 above..heheh luckily...mmg igt xdpt..huhuh
everyone ask to me..especially form5 n m3x kzen la..(qila)..bes ek amek foodtech..skop kerjaya..sng ke dpt kerje..mcm² r psl foodtech..i cnt ans bot medic..sory...hehe tp luckily i dont take medic..huhu mati aku kne blaja cm gile..aku da bkn style blaja cm nk rak..owez std las minutes evn i know it's not good..n i'm studying if i hv mood..if xm fever lg r..tomorrow exm mlm tu mmg pyh r nk std..sllu men game or kaco org std or read magazine smpy rse ngntok uh..belek² jp r buku patu sleep..hehe since skul cni..tatau r cne nk ubh..but make sure b4 dat xm especially tough paper,ive make preparation n cover back earlier.just final touch up..hehe..
terigt lak time paper kim hr tu..dat night i cant study lgsg..da xleh masuk..las² aku men game till midnight then go to sleep.hhehe..tomorrow morning, after pray subuh,i drink kopi radix to get energy..then i study till 10 o' xm start at 11o'clock...hehehe so ok la..kalo xm stat kol 8 mau mati gux..but b4 dat ive make some preparation la...xde r pulun cm giler on dat time...heheh
ok² back to da main point i want to tell you about all da question..ok foodtech bes la!! n smtime people think dat we just learn how to make cincau,tauhu,tempe n father said..heh..taya r amek food tech..stkt nk blaja to make all dat food..he said this when i fill in upu's form n i choose dis course as my 4th choice...he asked me to change with pharmacy cz he said it was not challenging based on my spm result...(brape aku dpt?heh..xpnting n xpe nk cter...keysah lme)...ok nvr mind, i follow wut he said..
after m3x, i choosed again dis course as my 7th choice..dis time he don't when the day came to check da result , i got dis course bach in science and food technology in UPM..ok i accept..but dat time it's so hard to accept i got dis course..yeah,bcz my result quite good..3.5 above i hoped dat i can get dental or pharmacy..(i filled the form with 1st-6th choice is pharmacy n dental)..n time tu mmg trauma r..xleh tgk hospital tgk hospital sure sedeyh mom asked me if i wanted to continue doing medical n she'll try to send me to neighbour country..huhu.and i said..never mind..i' try dis course and do my very besh to make them proud..yeah afta spm i wished to get dis course but afta my mom n my family ask me to doing medical and they also support me.i changed my mind to do medical..but Allah know the best..He know my ability dat i can't bring dat course...
n now i feel the hikmah.if i still bring dat course may b i cnt bring it well..yela result skrg pon ckop mkn je..kalo amek mdic..xtebyg r cne result aku..heheh..n aku rse foodtech tersgt SGT la besh cz..bidang de luas..nk bisnes bleh,nk kje mkn gaji leh,nk bertani n doing some development pon bleh...heh and everyone need food for daily we as foodtech student is very proud to be in dis course..heheheh
last but not least...enjoy in everytin you there is something good behind dat u don't know.. yeah Allah know the best for you even dat thing you don't try to think positive keyh?
p/s:heh i owso try to be positive even it was so hard to like dat rite?
Monday, December 24, 2007
las day b4 goin' back
yuhuuu..tomorrow i'm going back to my hostel..afta 1 n half month holiday..hehe..giler lme pdhal bkn dok uma sgt pon.just 2 weeks lately jew..forgot to tell dat yesterday angah's burfday..da nk abes taun br ckop umo..hahah 18 ma..

on date nite,we played birthday song, n sang together..she's very impressed!! heh..than acikgive her a choc bar..i know she's love very much choc..hehe...
and today,early in da mornig..
acik: along,pia nk kencing..
me: herm...
acik: pia bgn kncing..heh pia da kncing ke? la npe xckp...da bgn,bgn,BGN SKRG LA!!!


huhu...bleh plak dak kcik uh tdo g..pdhal da basah...adeh saba je r..pepg ni aku mls nk mara² aku la pi clean sumer..abes cadar mak..(ktorg tdo blik mak..hehe syowie mak..!)
satu je bes adik aku i..da wt slh stil leh glak²+wt lawak..kekdg grm guk tgk de xnanges..tu yg sje wt nanges..heheh...kalo xde adik kcik da pas acik..mmg xmerasa r bnde r..sume da bsa²..her born colours our life like rainbow..(erk..btol ek aku tulis ni..gasak r..)da lme xde bdk r..bygkn sume da bsa,tbe de bdk kcik main,patu glak2..ktorg pon kekdg kne join play with her...g playground,playing sian de cz she's lonely at time ktorg blk cuti..mmg de hepi giler..n sllu nanges cz kakak² de yg amat suke membuli adik de yg tembam ni..ahhaha
da suke cubit pp aku..owez said...alaa...tembam²!!hahha..gigit je dak ni..tau r pp aku comel..jeles r tuh..hahah
hm tomorrow i'll goin back to campus..goin to mish her so much..suke sgt tindan aku..abes pth spec aku...huhu...k r..need to after dis may be da jrg update cz da stat klas..quite bz..n need to go to cc..heh mls lak kekdg...pray 4 my success!!
so bored today..notin to do...nk msg tatau nk msg spe...bsn la...huhu td g umah bik non..gue hape jew.waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...........bosaaaaaaaaaaaan nye...
pe nk wt eh..nk tdo da tlebeyh tdo siang xsabo jer nk blk kolej..ptot blk hr ni..p mls lak nk wek da pojek lak tp xtau g leh g x.takat ni on g buhsan r..
pe nk wt eh..nk tdo da tlebeyh tdo siang xsabo jer nk blk kolej..ptot blk hr ni..p mls lak nk wek da pojek lak tp xtau g leh g x.takat ni on g buhsan r..
Saturday, December 22, 2007
I am so in love
In love with Joy
In love with happiness
In love with anger
In love with frustration
In love with Tears
In love with Me.
I love love
love is fruitful
Love is Kind
Love is Motivating
Love is Comforting
Love is love
I hate Love
Love is painful
Love is heartbreaking
Love is deadly
Love is poisonous
Love is Evil
Hey stop it
Love is like what
I don't know
All I know is Love is Love
so say all you want
But I know Love is
and I love love
I love me & you
In love with Joy
In love with happiness
In love with anger
In love with frustration
In love with Tears
In love with Me.
I love love
love is fruitful
Love is Kind
Love is Motivating
Love is Comforting
Love is love
I hate Love
Love is painful
Love is heartbreaking
Love is deadly
Love is poisonous
Love is Evil
Hey stop it
Love is like what
I don't know
All I know is Love is Love
so say all you want
But I know Love is
and I love love
I love me & you
my papa fav song~
I Will Be Right Here Waiting For You by Bryan Adams
Oceans apart, day after day
And I slowly go insane
I hear your voice, on the line
But it doesn't stop the pain
If I see you next to never
how can we say forever
Wherever you go, whatever you do
I will be right here, waiting for you
Whatever it takes, or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you
I took for granted, all the times
That I thought would last somehow
I hear the laughter, I taste the tears
But I can't get near you now
Oh can't you see it baby,
You've got me going crazy
Wherever you go, whatever you do
I will be right here, waiting for you
Whatever it takes, or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you
I wonder how we can survive, this romance
But in the end if I'm with you, I'll take the chance
Oh you can't see it baby
You've got me going crazy
Wherever you go, whatever you do
I will be right here, waiting for you
Whatever it takes, or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you
Oceans apart, day after day
And I slowly go insane
I hear your voice, on the line
But it doesn't stop the pain
If I see you next to never
how can we say forever
Wherever you go, whatever you do
I will be right here, waiting for you
Whatever it takes, or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you
I took for granted, all the times
That I thought would last somehow
I hear the laughter, I taste the tears
But I can't get near you now
Oh can't you see it baby,
You've got me going crazy
Wherever you go, whatever you do
I will be right here, waiting for you
Whatever it takes, or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you
I wonder how we can survive, this romance
But in the end if I'm with you, I'll take the chance
Oh you can't see it baby
You've got me going crazy
Wherever you go, whatever you do
I will be right here, waiting for you
Whatever it takes, or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you
he loves to sing dis song...but owez repeat da first line only then he'll humming...hahah...mish HIM so much!!!
to all my gewd fren~
Best Friend...
do you know what is a best friend?
a best friend is a secret sharer,
a best friend is a great consultant,
a best friend is a comfort giver,
a best friend is like a diamond.
a best friend is always care,
a best friend is always share,
a best friend makes you smile,
a best friend is loving, caring, sweet and true
a best friend is someone just like you.
thanks for being my best friend for my lifetime.
do you know what is a best friend?
a best friend is a secret sharer,
a best friend is a great consultant,
a best friend is a comfort giver,
a best friend is like a diamond.
a best friend is always care,
a best friend is always share,
a best friend makes you smile,
a best friend is loving, caring, sweet and true
a best friend is someone just like you.
thanks for being my best friend for my lifetime.
dedicated to ara,ira,pa,awan, aqeelziz, pka,wani,tara,nina,mira,wan,nadia,awang,lan,faliq,miza..


Friday, December 21, 2007
eidul adha day
First of all,wish u hepi eidul adha...n slmt mnjalani ibadah korban..kepda yg akan n yg sudh..heheh
aku xde r korban² smlm dpt daging jerk tu pon da slmt msk..hehe..
yesterday very tired day..since morning cooking n cooking..hehe..not really special but delicious n marvelous...hehe abes lps mandi sunat raye,g surau dpn uma solat raye..after end da pray,we cook some tomato rice n brownies...i make some salad..then we prepared food for the visitors...while waiting our kezen n relatives come, we watched television..
afta zuhr,paman bad with his family arrived...huwaa....abes r drg dtg mmg agak upside down r umah..bu t nvr mind..da bese da...then,bik non n wak ani arrived..they gave us some dishes..abes je drg mkn,when i saw the table, my ayam masak merah da abes!!only a piece of chicken!!hahhaha nmpk sgt sdp....
yesterday very tired day..since morning cooking n cooking..hehe..not really special but delicious n marvelous...hehe abes lps mandi sunat raye,g surau dpn uma solat raye..after end da pray,we cook some tomato rice n brownies...i make some salad..then we prepared food for the visitors...while waiting our kezen n relatives come, we watched television..
afta zuhr,paman bad with his family arrived...huwaa....abes r drg dtg mmg agak upside down r umah..bu t nvr mind..da bese da...then,bik non n wak ani arrived..they gave us some dishes..abes je drg mkn,when i saw the table, my ayam masak merah da abes!!only a piece of chicken!!hahhaha nmpk sgt sdp....
afta asr waktam's famili arrived...on date time, both biknon n wak ani's families were ready to go back...luckily,they can meet each other...heheh..
heh my son in law da besa!da lme gle xjmpe de..

heh my son in law da besa!da lme gle xjmpe de..
hehe..till da nk mgrb br drg pulg..mlm tu mmg cm nk pengsan guk r..pnt sgt..hehe
heh..tu je r nk sonok r ble umah full...rermy dtg..share citer..bork²...bkn sllu...hehehe..
jmpe samah punye r smgt citer psl bisnes de..(he's 1 of my kezen)
k r going to sleep r..nntok...heheh
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
miss dis song..
da lme xdgr lgu ni..bes sgt...
SOLEDADIf only you could heal my heart just one more time
Even when I close my eyes
There's an image of your face
And once again I come I'll relise
You're a loss I can't replace
It's a keeping for the lonely
Since the day that you were gone
Why did you leave me
In my heart you were the only
And your memory live on
Why did you leave me
Walking down the streets of nothingville
Where our love was young and free
Can't believe just what an empty place
It has come to be
I would give my life away
If it could only be the same
Cause I can't still the voice inside of me
That is calling out your name
It's a keeping for the lonely
Since the day that you were gone
Why did you leave me
In my heart you were the only
And your memory live on
Why did you leave me
Time will never change the things you tols me
After all we're meant to be love will bring us back to you and me
If only you could see
It's a keeping for the lonely
Since the day that you were gone
Why did you leave me
In my heart you were the only
And your memory live on
Why did you leave me
love dis song soooo much!!
very meaningfull..
grounded in house
huwa...teramatla i woke up at 7..pia ajak trun..she's very hungry and she ask me for food...(kacau je org tdo) as good sis,hehe..i go downstairs with her...ask bibik for some i continue sleep...last nite cnt sleep well..asik tejge..rndu mak laa..heh so i slept at my ma's room...heheh with sofiah..acik,she's on9 til morning..dunno wut she's doing..malas nk amek tau..yg aku tau aku ngntok..ngehe...
then i woke up at 9..heheh tros tgk bored!!! dunno wut to take bath,eat and tidy up da house..then eat sugarcane at outside(heheh da lme xmkn..gian jp...)then melepak g dpn tv...
lelame...telelap...hahah tdo jerk..
lasnite ma+ba called..quiet shock..haha yela line clear je..xde r lak we chit chat for a while...then ma talked wit pia...hahah pia ask umi..
umi..umi da main snow lom? r de ni..
then continue wit acik mish said both of them in pcik azman's house...(kalo xsilap r)even in house,it still very cold...i cnt imagine how cold the weather...yuhuuu~she'll going to france for 3 days then to day i'll go there too...hahahha..
hm...tomorrow i want to cook dishes for eidul plan to cook ayam msk merah,nasi tomato,n maybe dalca..tah r..donno..hahah i invite spe nk dtg,dtg r tp tell me first r..tkot xde r sdp ne pon..hahahah bleh r tok mkn...kalo skt prot tanggung sndiri r...
so tomorrow...full,angah blk..heheh bes2!! may be she wants to cook some cake..n i also want to make some puding...ngeheh...
las but not least...wish u all hepi eidul adha...n slmt mnjalani ibadah korban n pose sunat..
then i woke up at 9..heheh tros tgk bored!!! dunno wut to take bath,eat and tidy up da house..then eat sugarcane at outside(heheh da lme xmkn..gian jp...)then melepak g dpn tv...
lelame...telelap...hahah tdo jerk..
lasnite ma+ba called..quiet shock..haha yela line clear je..xde r lak we chit chat for a while...then ma talked wit pia...hahah pia ask umi..
umi..umi da main snow lom? r de ni..
then continue wit acik mish said both of them in pcik azman's house...(kalo xsilap r)even in house,it still very cold...i cnt imagine how cold the weather...yuhuuu~she'll going to france for 3 days then to day i'll go there too...hahahha..
hm...tomorrow i want to cook dishes for eidul plan to cook ayam msk merah,nasi tomato,n maybe dalca..tah r..donno..hahah i invite spe nk dtg,dtg r tp tell me first r..tkot xde r sdp ne pon..hahahah bleh r tok mkn...kalo skt prot tanggung sndiri r...
so tomorrow...full,angah blk..heheh bes2!! may be she wants to cook some cake..n i also want to make some puding...ngeheh...
las but not least...wish u all hepi eidul adha...n slmt mnjalani ibadah korban n pose sunat..
Monday, December 17, 2007
perjalanan hidup
yesterday,my parent were going to united aku dok umah with my sis's,aunt,grandma n bibiks..huh cuti tinggal 1 wek je g..wut i wanna do?
drg kne bentang same paper work r kt student kt sne..
i'm very proud with them!!!
so we'll anta drg kt klia yesterday wit bik non n bikjah
heh..nek latio yg besh
4 weeks ago,g kursus je tiap minggu...las wek jd fac adhoc..huhuh tp besh r..
yg xbesh nye tbe kne rncg nk wt prog pe..mmg skt r..igt tlg2 je..xpe r..wt je..abes tu dpt gaji lak..bpe tu..taya r cte..hehe tp mmg igt xdpt pape r anjuran msjd an..xpe r.wt amal jariah r..patu da rfac sme dak kcik..dak2 hira' yg kcik 2...huhuh
dlm ati mmg r,aku sorg je bsa...xpe2, saba je r..
tp mmg bes r prog tu..lelg time perkid bg..
trase giler dowh..huhu cm aku je wt.. mmg bleh menginsafkan,cr de wt serbuan,sore de...mmg meremang r bulu roma..
lenkali aku cter r pe de explain...
n ceramah yg len bes gux penutup las tu mmg aku xtahan giler ngantok
qiam pg tu..ngehe
aku tdo r smpai abes prog..hahhaah
at the end dpt r aku simpulkan yg prog ni sgt bes...n kalo di dedhkn dak2 u sgt bgs..mmg meinsafkan n mmg ptot r ditroskan...waopon ttbe kne jd fac,tp aku leh msk dgn dak2 ni
naseb r kne buli..hahhaha
tnx abid,tyma,kina bell,hanan n modah..
korg mmg besh r...
jazakillahhu khairan kathira
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
first posting
adeh...pnt gux eh set up blog ni...huh tatau nk wat kaler pe sna..sje test pink+grey+brown..hahah t da bsn tka r...
huwa...cdeyh nye...lg bper hr umi+aba nk g london..aku la kne jg drg ni kt uma..4 2weeks..patu da msk lak sem2..result?tah r...tatau nk nk testing..
prot ku sngguh lapa...sehr x mkn nasi..mkn pasta jerk...
adeh prot ku da bebunyi laks...k r pnt r set up..nk g mkn+tgk tv..
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