ni sumer pic untuk subjek meat...
punye cm nk demam stadi dis subjek..
how muscle convert to meat dat we consume..
n we have to know muscle contraction (rigor mortis), changes in pH and texture, salughtering and so on..
punye cm nk demam stadi dis subjek..
how muscle convert to meat dat we consume..
n we have to know muscle contraction (rigor mortis), changes in pH and texture, salughtering and so on..
punye cm nk demam stadi dis subjek..
how muscle convert to meat dat we consume..
how muscle convert to meat dat we consume..
n we have to know muscle contraction (rigor mortis), chnages in pH and texture, salughtering and so on..
above is da pic of sacromere structure...
below is muscle bundle structure
i draw these pic because sgt skt kepale nk membace legume, bread making technology and cereal...(argh dr. ros punye topic)
n yeah i like meat topic and fats and oil...
i learn dis by heart...kalau x mmg xleh jwb la
and alhamdulillah..i can answer da question even not very well
i learn dis by heart...kalau x mmg xleh jwb la
and alhamdulillah..i can answer da question even not very well
but aku puas sbb aku da blaja sgt bersungguh-sungguh...
siyes aku dmam n sgt tensen blaja dis subjek..
siyes aku dmam n sgt tensen blaja dis subjek..
'kimia hasilan tumbuhan dan haiwan''![](
n above is pic muscle bundle structure from top...mean when u slice the fiber.. ![](
like dis subjek bcz amali die sgt sewonok..
pas buat, makan...
like burger, chicken ball...
ats skali...mase nak buat burger n meat ball
we sliced the meat into small sliced
then 2nd step...minced the meat...agak geli mcm ulat worm
n the machine "siyes sebijik macam babi..."
bukan mencarut..tapi mmg bentuk die mcm tu...
pastuu kite kne minced fat lak..
yg korg nmpk mcm ulat puith-putih tu adalah lemak
tallow=lemak lembu..
ha ni daging kerbau from india..
kalau xslh aku la..
n yg coklat dlm bekas daidh tu adlh lecithin...tu bind the meat n other ingredient perfectly...
pastu bhn lain....garam, pepper, MSG sket and garlic...
patu campur la sumer..
patu campur la sumer..
yg atas ni gmbar mee kuning hasil kerja kami semua..
sgt senang buat die....without perwarna..
n mmg sena xletak perwarna...
kire le sodium carbonate..ataupun org kampung pgl
air rendam sotong...heheh
yg sgt terkilan..aku xdpt mkn pon mee
sbb br merancang "kenduri mee" **20kg kot
sume lesap di tapaw oleh derg yg sgt pentingkan diri..
k r..aku nk chow...
nk pulang adeh
jnji mak aku kol 12...heheh
suke--suke 4822...
4821 out..haha
haha btol2...blaja best r..xm mcm sial~
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